Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This week has been one of those weeks. But, all the yucky stuff is over, so it's basically like it's Friday!  

You know when you have been poked a lot when you can tell the nurse what veins work and which ones do not! Or when you have a favorite spot to be poked... Mine is my left hand:) I have a big fatty vein right there, where as  the veins in my arms are kind of pathetic and hard to find. The picture does NOT do it justice, but I got a big ol' bruise on my right hand from the mean lady from radiology when I got a CT scan. 

But wait... I am getting way ahead of myself. On Monday while I was in class Dr. Hansen called me to tell me I needed to have my testing done that afternoon. So, after class was over, two of my roommates (Jessica and Ashley) drove me around for several hours as I was shuttled from office to  office. I went to see Dr. Hansen and he said I was healing very well from my appendectomy. Then I went to Madison Memorial Hospital and drank contrast. They tried to disguise it with grape juice, but it only tainted grape juice for me. For those of you who don't know what contrast tastes like, thank your lucky stars. I thought it was bad when I was little and we had to eat beets. I would eat a whole jar of beets 5x over instead of drinking contrast. Anyways, I finally got back to the radiology department and changed into a gown. Mean nurse lady drew lots and lots of blood before feeding me some more contrast through the IV. She had some fun digging the needle around in there, and voila. Gigantic bruise seen above. The CT scan wasn't too long. I just had to lay on my back and this huge machine just kept moving me back and forth. The machine told me when to breathe and when to hold my breath. 
This morning I had to go see an OBGYN and had an endometrial biopsy done. Not an experience I care to relive. However, the nice nurse lady (from here on NNL) gave me some medicine to make me sleepy and relax my muscles so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was very much aware of my surroundings, but my doctors were really nice and tried to be as gentle as possible.When they finally got the sample, the NNL gave me goldfish and some water. My legs were rather jelly like, so NNL and Jess helped me out to the car so I didn't fall.  And then I went to sleep off the medicine. 
So now, all the testing is finally done! I meet with Dr. Hansen in a 1.5 weeks to be officially diagnosed with something. Mumsy is going to come down to help me make some big decisions. After my appointment on Friday, I am going to drive down to Utah with my mom and meet with a specialist in Salt Lake City. 
So, to sum it all up I don't know too much yet. But, answers are coming soon! 
Meanwhile, this weekend I am going to play at my sister's house in Utah where I am not known as the possible cancer kid:) Call of Duty with popcorn and shopping-here I come with open arms!

things that make me happy:]

  • colored goldfish
  • jane sent me a present in the mail!! its even wrapped
  • tv show FRIENDS- it brings out my belly laugh "either he goes, or i'm buying a coyote"
  • mashed potatoes- one of the few foods that my stomach can keep down right now
  • ibuprofen
  • roommates 
  • FAMILY [<3]
  • Mumford and Sons album
  • sleep. sleep is goooood

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