Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Living so fast and so hard... chasing hearts" -B.C.

Currently listening to: Chasing Hearts by Breathe Carolina
So guys, I am going to be honest. Without going into details, the last few days have been hard. Days that I really didnt want to be here in China. But I am feeling much better now, and it is Monday tomorrow; time for a fresh start.
I have been thinking about the people here in my life in China, and I want to always remember the good they have done for me. This is really for me, but ya'll can enjoy if you so wish. 

In no particular order:
 Kaylee is my partner in crime. She is always down for having an adventure with me. She is the person that will do stupid stuff with me instead of trying to talk me out of it (like climbing the Golden Lady...). She is loving, and would do anything for me, all I have to do is ask. Best of all she makes me laugh all the time... though that's not hard to do ;) 
Outside a temple in Zhenjiang
 Momi is a happy and loving person, who makes sure that everyone is okay. She knows everyone's birthday and goes out of her way to make it special!
My delicious birthday cake which had fruit on top, and whipped cream inside.
Sierra never gets lost, and calmly helps me figure out where I am at when I get disoriented, which unfortunately happens all the time... And she also helps me think through hard decisions, laying out my choices logically. 

 Ashley is one of the most loving people I have ever met. She does so much for me! She let me shamelessly use her internet so I could FaceTime my family, she makes me western food when I just cannot eat another dish with chopsticks. She takes me out on adventures and helps me see the good in China. I love the nights when I stay with her in her dorm room and we watch girl movies and talk about everything. The future, wonders and horrors of China, books, music, and boys (duh)...
"Hour of Stretching"

My fits of giggling all night. And possibly a few snorts

East Nanjing Road in Shanghai, right outside F21
Ben and Garrin are kind of a package deal in my world, which is awesome. Together they include me in their plans, helping me not feel lost in a city of 4 million people who speak a different language then me. They know more about me then most boys, (possibly the only exceptions being my brothers and Jared). And the crazy thing is they still talk to me! I am always in a good mood after hanging out with them. Both are so nice about sharing their treats with me, then I decide if I want to commit to a whole package of my own. Jazz drinks, Chinese Hamburgers, Scrubs and catching the train for church together. I love these boys!
That one time Garrin talked me into climbing a giant ancient tortoise and Ben documented.

That other one time we ate chocolate that we found on the metro... Not even ashamed, it was delicious!


Garrin does goofy things in the stores and I catch him because its funny.

Jinelle is a great listener who is very open, so I feel like I could talk to her about anything.  

 Bre has an energy about her, I can always count on having a good time with her! She makes me smile a lot. And she is just so so prettttty ;) (Just kidding, I love you Bre, and you ARE smart!)

First meal in China
Ming Tombs in Beijing
Temple of Heaven, first day together!

Just a small portion of my wonderful Chinese family, hanging in Suzhou for the weekend.
- my bike is fixed!
- 3 of my students come up to me, dragging the fourth yelling about he has a crush on me. It was so adorable :)
- Listening to the Women's session of General Conference today at church. 
- Simply making it to church today, had some issues getting to the train. BUT I MADE IT
- new Breathe Carolina album  that I have been playing nonstop. They look weird, but dang i love their voices
- a properly cleaned retainer in my mouth each night
-i had a mcdonald's chickenwich this week! i know, american cliche, but i just had to.
- watching scrubs with ben and garrin

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