Friday, July 29, 2011

Life is Working Out

So, this is my first blog post. Ever. I do not know exactly what I am doing, but that is okay. So, life is going really good for me right now! I have finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I have decided to go into Special Education, and I am really excited about that path for me. I love working with children. I love watching them play with other children, the satisfying smiles when they accomplish something difficult, and the look on their face when they are trying to sweet talk you into doing something. So, yeah I am really excited about my degree.

I am really thankful for my job that I got while I am at home for seven weeks. I will be working harvest, probably dumping trucks, but I might work the scale. Right now, I am cleaning. Lots of sweeping, scooping, climbing, sweeping and getting reaally dirty. Did I mention I sweep a lot? I am also really thankful that my job is so close to my house, so I do not spend too much money on gas. I like the people I work with. Bill, my boss is super cool. He is really funny actually. Jessica and I had to clean out the boot, which is the only part of the elevator that grain gets wet. Well, wet wheat smells like poop. It really smells awful. I knew I smelled bad, because I was wading through wet grain. Anyways, I was walking past Bill at lunch and he says all quiet-like under his breath to Erin " Hey... do you smell that?" Bill is just so easy going, and for him to actually say something made me smile all day. Bill is just super nice and easy to talk to.

Today Tami, Erin, Jessica and I walked up to Bank of Fairfield today at lunch because they had a customer appreciation lunch. They had hot dogs, chips, potato salad, and ice cream cones. It was delicious. Even better because it was free! Aaand, I was able to deposit some checks into my bank account. It feels great putting money into the bank instead of taking money out. It was also a great day because it wasn't hot, but it was still nice out.

Things to be happy about:

  • Ty is home in less than 8 weeks!!! I am so excited to see him again.
  • Bumble bees
  • Big brothers changing your oil
  • Big Bang Theory Marathons
  • The Book of Mormon
  • Allergy Medicine- Its a lifesaver!