Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Sky's Littered With Stars Close Enough to Touch

Currently listening to: Night's on Fire by David Nail

I've become that person... That doesn't blog for months... And then there is too much to update people on and its too overwhelming! Oh no!

Wellllllll I guess I better just give the highlights then, so I don't bore everyone to tears (myself included).

Basically since May I have:
Accepted a teaching position at Draper Elementary

Worked at Zion National Park

Hiked in the Grand Canyon

Worked my last year of harvest in Washington (my dad let me drive the combine!)

Went to Seattle with my cousins. We went whale watching in Anacortes after we watched Papertowns and walked around downtown.
Moved to Salt Lake City, Utah
Started said teaching position on August 19
Image result for there ain't no tired like the first week of school tired

And I've done a bunch of hiking and goofing off in-between because let's face it... you shouldn't take life too seriously. 

I've had some highs and lows... I've gone on a lot of fun adventures, but am trying to figure out this whole adulthood thing... which is more difficult then I thought... No wonder I shunned it for 23 years...