Thursday, May 17, 2012

life. its what you make it

This week has been absolutely bizarre. To be honest, I had moments where I seriously considered packing up and driving home. Why? I am not even quite sure. I just know that I wasn't happy. Apparently I have some sort of transitional anxiety disorder... whatever that means.  What I do know is that I was sick of being unhappy. So, I decided I was going to be happy. I was going to get out of my room and do something with other people, even though I didn't really want to. My two friends Tori and Allison have been such peaches;) They let me tag along their FHE group all the time. First the Avengers, then Big Jud's, then THOR. Basically I just love those girls. Anyways, I have really think life is what you make it. I can choose to feel insecure, frustrated, and overwhelmed. OR I can tackle those feelings head on and figure why I am bombarded with them.
I am not going to pretend like all my problems disappeared overnight. They did not. It is still hard for me to look people in the eye on campus and smile, because what if they do not smile back? I do not handle rejection well. But, I learned that if I smiled to enough people on my way to class, I was usually in a pretty good mood by the time I got to class, because I had been smiling so much.
It gets better. It gets easier too! Little by little, day by day.  Some (and I stress SOME) of my classes are so awesome that I am excited to go to class.   I am learning to live with the others -  (cough cough Math needs to die cough cough).

This girl next to me? Yeah she is pretty cool. She deals with my deep belly laughs with my snorting when I laugh too hard. She lets me shamelessly use her three hole puncher, and she goes to Pizza Pie Cafe with me even though she hates pizza. She has this way of magically making me pay attention in Doctrine and Covenants when I really do not want to. She listens to my endless rants about pointless meaningless things ( I DO mean endless) Oh, and she is my new work out buddy. Basically she is awesome. Somebody has to be pretty special to be able to handle seeing me EVERYDAY...:) 

This is so true! I have learned that the hard way this past couple of weeks. Just do it, get out there and meet some new people, and do some new things that you would not normally do :]

 Shout out to the brother, who came to see me in Rexy. he is single ladies:-)

The Truman/ Diamond Rio concert with Michael. I loved Truman, and Michael loved Diamond Rio, so it balanced out nicely:)

  • walks at night with the besties
  • being able to see the stars at night
  • butterflies in my stomach for my friend ( i MIGHT be more excited for her than she is :]
  • passing two difficult exams in one day!
  • compliments on my skirt (LOVE that so much!)
  • cooking in the kitchen 
  • sleeping in 
  • reading my patriarchal blessing
  • sunshine- i love the warmth!
  • fountain soda- SO much better than the can:)