Tuesday, July 16, 2013

tonight there was an epic thunder and lightning storm. i stayed in my room and did homework for awhile and talked myself out of going outside. 
finally i went over to apt 2416. they said they would go outside with me! so a big group of us went puddle jumping.  we had a water fight with some of the boys in the ward. 
it was one of those nights you don't forget. 
its spontaneous, and i could feel my smile the whole night. plus i had that embarrassing laugh of mine, its deep in my throat and just comes out really fast. embarrassing, but happens when i am really genuinely laughing or happy :] 

every summer has a story... so whats my story?
water fights, tank tops, toms, shaved ice, late nights, tankinis, ice-cream, the Sand bar, warm air, camp fires, short hair, mud fight, bridge jumping, smores, concerts, chacos, fishing, four-wheeling, pranking, receiving wedding announcements,  reading in the sun, barefoot and shorts, making cookies, tan lines, henna (with my girl Kasey!), Horkley soda runs, Rigby Lake
Feng Shui: balance your yin and yang during Summer. From The Tao of Dana  #summer #love #follow #cute #palm #tree #amazing #pretty #beautiful #summerlove #need #followers #please #follow #me #pink #flowy #beautiful #love #starbucks #good #great #sun #love #tan #shadow

"While we’re young and beautiful living free and easy. Here without a worry, dancing in our bare feet because when the summer’s done we might not be so young and beautiful."
Things that make Molly happy :]
  • watching The Bachelorette with my girls 
  • i got new tires put on
  • new swimming suit
  • getting tan!
  • brothers and sisters who have your back
  • when you give a guy a hug and they have that subtle man smell that is fantastic
  • pranking a supposed master of pranks
  • new shoes
  • shopping with Tay-Tay

Friday, July 12, 2013

the life of a single college student is pretty great

Life has been pretty great. I have a low credit load for the second half of the semester, so I was worried about having a lot of free time and just sleeping. Not a problem. The last few weeks I have been playing outside almost everyday. 
A few weeks ago was our ward activity. Perfect summertime food (watermelon, hamburger and chips), getting unsuspecting people wet, and then mud football. Which turned into just a mud fight. It was so much fun. (I had a white tank top on and a blue shirt...) Jesse and I started a war where we just smashed mud at each other. I am trying to track down the picture of us together, its pretty great. My friend Haley said I look like a wookie, just missing a spot on my face. 

Bishop Jeppson fired up the water truck and blasted us all down with water to try and clean us off. It kind of worked. To the right is me after. 

 Bridge jumping! It took me awhile to get out there this year, but it did not disappoint. We drove out to Fun Farm Bridge near St Anthony and have tons of fun because we were the only ones there. (Dont worry Mom, I didn't jump off the top). 
 My feet/ legs probably think I hate them because they are so chewed up. Bruises and cuts everywhere, I sort of catch my feet on rocks all the time. 

My Sandbar peeps! And partners in crime, I always have a good time with these girls.

Kasey! My good friend who I met in  my Literacy class. What would I do without her? ... fail. I would fail class.

I wasn't kidding about being outside a lot. Also I just haven't taken that bracelet off since I put it on in December. 


  • Pranking. 
  • Freshly washed blankets
  • My short hair in this hot weather!
  • Italian Sodas
  • I officially have a job for the 7 week break
  • The semester is almost over!


Currently listening to: Come Thou Fount (the version by Mumford and Sons... its epic)

So I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. I had a lot of people tell me they really appreciated it, and I sort of spent a lot of time on it, so I don't want to just forget it. Its religious, so read at your own preference. 

My name is Molly Thomas and I was asked to speak about remembering the Lord in our daily lives while going through trials. This talk will be taken primarily from personal experiences, along with quotes that I really like. Tools that we can use: Patriarchal blessings, Priesthood blessings, Prayer, Scripture Study,

Tribulation, afflictions, and trials will constantly be with us in our sojourn here in this segment of eternity, just as the Savior said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” (John 16:33.) Therefore, the great challenge in this earthly life is not to determine how to escape the afflictions and problems, but rather to carefully prepare ourselves to meet them.

Last Fall I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. It was found at Stage 1 through an emergency appendectomy. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask later because I am very open about everything. I am a miracle and I know it.  It was a time in my life that I had to grow up quickly; I had a lot of decisions to make on my own. Do I finish the semester, where do I get treated, do I have chemo, what effect with this have on my future, etc.  I was scared for the future, but in my heart of hearts I knew that everything was going to be alright because of something my patriarchal blessing said: “Your life will be spared in a miraculous way as troubling times come. And it will be through your faith and trust in Him that you are doing the right things for the right purpose”

Priesthood Blessings: The night the doctor told me I had cancer I received a blessing from a friend from back home. I don’t often remember exactly what blessings say, but I will never forget what he said in this: “There will come a time when you will no longer fear the future.”  In Oct 1995, President James E Faust said in his talk entititled Priesthood Blessings “ A priesthood blessing is sacred. It can be a holy and inspired statement of our wants and needs. If we are in tune spiritually, we can receive a confirming witness of the truth of the promised blessings. Priesthood blessings can help us in the small and great decisions of our lives. If, through our priesthood blessings, we could perceive only a small part of the person God intends us to be, we would lose our fear and never doubt again.”

Keep a mental tally about the good things that are happening in your life. Yes, you have your trials but there are plenty of good things in the world too. I have to do this frequently otherwise I have problems with just laying in bed all day. One day as I was writing on my blog I decided to write the things that had happened recently in my life that made me happy. And I have kept up with it ever since. It helps me recognize the influence that God has in my life, like the huge progression I have made with my major this semester. And it helps me remember the small things that made me smile, like my cookies turning out just right or sitting in the bathroom late at night laughing at my roommates.

 Recently I bore my testimony on remembering that you are never alone when going through a trial. Today I would like to expound on that because I feel so strongly about this. I found out that my insurance wouldn’t pay for all of my chemo rounds, and I broke down. I sobbed and decided it wasn’t worth it to keep going. I was hitting one problem right after I had just solved one. This time I was going to thousands of dollars of debt, not even for something cool like traveling or a nice car. My sister was standing right next to me when I found out and she helped me come up with a game plan and realize that I did have options, life was not over just because I would need to take out some student loans. God is not going to do something for you that you can do on your own, but He will help you get through the stuff you don’t know how to get through. And He will do it differently each time.

Many people go through the “Why is this happening to me?” phase of a trial. You can go crazy asking yourself these questions.  In response I read a quote by Angel Abrea. In his talk entitled “Patience in Affliction” he says “Into the life of the faithful sister whose son was killed while on a mission came many questions which raced through her mind and those asked by disbelievers, creating doubts, such as, “Why was my son killed if he was a good missionary and an excellent son?” “My son was serving the Lord and was a great example to his brothers who are preparing to go into the mission field. Why?”

Patience in affliction and suffering means answering as she did to all those questions: “I don’t know, nor do I have all the answers, but one thing I do know is that someday, in the Lord’s divine timetable, I shall see my son again and be reunited with him.”

Patience in affliction and suffering describes the life of Christ, the great exemplar. In moments of great suffering and pain which transpired in Gethsemane, He was able to express in fervent prayer, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matt. 26:39), giving us the example and a frame of reference for a life of obedience and perseverance, despite circumstances or external conditions in which we could find ourselves.
How many times do we conclude our prayers with, “Let this cup pass from me”?
Under circumstances when the symbolic cup might represent sickness, pain, anxiety, unemployment, or the suffering of a loved one, are we able to continue our prayer with, “Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”? This very word, this key wordnevertheless, conveys the firm conviction that we are placing everything in the hands of the Lord.
When at times on life’s journey it becomes our lot to travel with the criticism of skeptics, the hate of some, the rejection of others, the impatience of many, or a friend’s betrayal, we must be able to pray in such a manner that an abiding faith and a strong testimony that the Lord will be with us to the end will compel us to say, “Nevertheless, Father, Thy will be done, and with Thy help, in patience I will follow firmly on the path that takes me back to Thee.”

2 Timothy 1:6-7 “For God hath not given the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”
You have trials when you are ready to grow, ready to become more than you are now- Sunday School
It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself that determines how your life story will develop. Dieter F Uchdorf
In his talk “Unleashing the Dormant Soul” Elder F Enzio Busche said “in your life there have to be challenges. They will either bring you closer to God or therefore make you stronger, or they can destroy you. You make the decision of which road you take.”
“God knows better than you what you need. He always attempts to speak to you. Listen, and follow the uncomfortable suggestions that he makes to us- everything will fall into its place.”
“When you are compelled to give up something or when things are dear to you are withdrawn from you, know that this is your lesson to be learned right now. But know also that, as you are learning from this lesson, God wants to give you something better.”

  • I've made tons of new friends in the last month
  • I get to play outside everyday
  • New cookie recipes that turn out
  • My TOMS are about broken in
  • Wearing shorts
  • Cold Diet Coke