Saturday, November 10, 2012


I met with my doctor in Rexburg yesterday and
Well, there is no graceful or not-awkward way of leading into it, so here goes:
I have endometrioid adenocarcinoma, which is the scientific way of saying I have ovarian cancer. You know how pink supports breast cancer? Well, my cousin did some research, and apparently the color that supports ovarian cancer is teal! I am going to buy me some tights:)

There are many indicators that they caught it early. ( My appendix almost bursting- definitely a blessing). One of the indicators is called a CA 125 test that measures an enzyme in my blood. It showed that there was definitely cancer, but the number was low enough that it is not very far along.

I also had to have an endometriod biopsy done. Basically, they had to take a sample of some cells in my uterus and compare them to the cells from the biopsy of the cyst on my ovary. The biopsy from my uterus came back negative (which is a good thing!) but it has the surgeon stumped. He thought cells from my uterus were moving into my ovary and making everything messed up. Well, now we don't know where the cells are coming from.... Add that to the list of questions to ask my gynecology oncologist on Monday.

Because of the cyst, I will have to have my left ovary removed. And, the specialist will decide if I can keep my right ovary or if I need to have a complete hysterectomy. At this particular point, we cannot tell how far the cancer has spread. Yay for more testing... 

Here is a little bit of humor for you:
"The average age of diagnosis is around 60 years of age. "
Seriously?! I have old lady cancer!  I am currently accepting wheelchairs for Christmas presents. (John already laid dibs on getting me a cane and I said no to walkers- you just can't strut in a walker no matter how hard you try.)If you doubt, even a smidge just refer to below.

I am meeting with my specialist on Monday morning here in Salt Lake to figure out a treatment plan, and to see how far it has spread, etc. So, I will probably give yet another update on Monday!

Oh yeah, apparently I have gallstones? I might have my gallbladder taken out in surgery too;)

Things that make Molly happy:]
  • Supportive family! A lot of supportive family.
  • They caught this super early!
  • My gynecology oncologist is freaking.fantastic. 
  • My mom is lending me her ipod because I goofed and cant find mine... Music is kind of a big deal in my life
  • I am watching the Avengers right now
  • The snow looks so pretty on the trees
  • Priesthood blessings
    • Friends willing to come when necessary to give said blessing
  • My patriarchal blessing
  • Understanding teachers
  • Surprise fleece blanket present with fleece socks... Thanks Jacque!


  1. You are so courageous Molly! You are in my prayers. I love you're wonderful example and amazing attitude!

  2. Molly! I'm flabbergasted! Definitely some prayers coming your way. :) i'd say "keep your chin up" but it seems like you don't have a problem with that. ;)

  3. You guys are so sweet! Thanks for the support:)

  4. I can't believe how positive you seem in this post! You're truly an inspiration. We'll keep you in our prayers.
