Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, for the past two Saturday nights, I went salsa dancing with some friends. It has been sooo much fun! The first night I went with Kate and I was terrified to go. Because Kate has been dancing for atLEAST ten years, or something like that. So, let's just say I was a leeetle bit intimidated. But then I got there, and a bunch of people didn't know what they were doing, any more than I did. And then Matt danced with  me, and helped me learn how to dip! It was so much fun. I wanted to give up because I never got it right, but Matt made me keep trying. I was really glad, because he made me practice until I got it down. 
I learned dancing is all about confidence. Just let go of your mind and your thinking, and just move your body like nobody is watching you. I am a very self conscious person, and so I was very aware of everyone in the room. I just love it though! I am getting better at following the  guy if the guy is good, and then if the guy is not good, then I do not feel like such a dork.  Just move your hips, and then you look legit(: 

Side rant: So when I went dancing, I met this dude named Oliver. He is a recent convert. When I say recent, I mean like baptized 2 weeks ago. I guess he met some LDS people at work, was invited to go to church and wammo, he wanted to be baptized. I need to put myself out there, because who am I to judge who deserves to hear the gospel? A lot of times I am too chicken to bring up the church because I am scared of a negative reaction. But, who knows? Something great good happen, like a really good person getting baptized?

Things to be happy about:
  • Ty is home in LESS THAN A MONTH
  • I stood up for myself at work yesterday, and today Dale did not talk to me ONCE! It was wonderful
  • I have a job
  • I get to see my old roomates in 2 weeks!!!!
  • I can feel my teeth moving, so I know my brace face is worth something!
  • Plumbing. I know it sounds strange, but I think I took being able to take a shower every night for granted

My Nieces are So Adorable

 I told them to give each other squeezies(: Sisterly love

So, I took these pictures forever ago, but I haven't been on the computer in a long time. They are so cute though! Later that day, we walked to Grandma's house. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Summer Days

So, I have been pretty busy. In fact, I was home for about 10 minutes this whole weekend. But, that is okay because life was pretty good. Friday at work was fun. We drove to Spokane twice, so that ate up some time. We also got to stop by Franz and bought those pie things that are reaallly bad for you. I bought the chocolate pudding things, and they are like 560 calories, in ONE. But, hey sometimes you have to have a treat. It was fun to go. Erin, Jessica and I decided that we are going to go to the lake this next weekend, so that was fun to plan. After work, I got to take a shower, and then Sonia picked me up. Sonia was a good friend of mine in high school, and I always thought she lived super far away. Negatory. She aaactually lives about 10 miles away, which made my day. So, we went to go see Crazy Stupid Love on Friday night. Awful horrible movie. I do not recommend it AT ALL. So, we actually walked out of the movie. It was still pretty late when we got home, so we went to bed. I just love Sonia's house. Its like a legit farm house, down to the old wooden floors. I loved it. So, when we woke up we had farm fresh eggs and sausage for breakfast and then Sonia made the dark chocolate brownies we were supposed to have made the night before. So, then I had brownies and ice cream for breakfast. I swear, junk food tastes so much better when you have it for breakfast. Then we watched The Eagle. It was pretty good. It had Channing Tatum in it, so I was game:) Then I had to go home. I was home for a few minutes and then I babysat for my brother John and Emily so they could go to the temple. Then I went up to Spokane to watch Abby's kids so she could go to her 10 year class reunion. Man she's old... Just kidding Abby! So, I was so beat from the whole week and having not caught up my sleep, I passed out before Abby came home. I knew I would have fallen asleep if I tried to sleep so I spent the night at Abby's. It was good to catch up, because I feel like I haven't talked to Abby in forever. So, then I slept in Sunday morning and went on a walk with Abby and the girls. Then I did the girl's hair for church and got myself ready then went to Singles Ward. I was in kind of a bad mood all during church today, so I won't linger on that... I don't really like dwelling on unpleasant feelings.
Anyways, after church I went to go see my Grandma who I really don't see very often. So, it was good to catch up with her. Then we had dinner, which was this slightly spicy chicken which was pretty good. I love being at home and eating good food on Sunday. Then, I went over to my other Grandma's and got to see some cousins that I have not seen in a long time. I made plans to go the Davenport with them, and I am pretty stoked because the Davenport is soooo pretty.  So, yeah its been pretty awesome. I have to go to bed now because I have to be at work at 6 AM tomorrow. I don't do so well in the mornings... Wish me luck
Things to be happy about [<3]

  • that wonderful smell you only smell in the country in the summertime
  • music-its wonderful!
  • family- they keep life fun
  • Sleep! it keeps you sane

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Taco Bell, Slushies, Volleyball and Scary Things....

A good quote for trying to live the most of life. I will explain more later. So, yesterday was awesome. Work passed by surprisingly quickly, considering it was Monday. We had to sweep out a tank, and we did that first thing before it got super hot. It took a couple of hours, so the morning passed by quickly. After lunch however, it was super yucky. I climbed down into the back pit with Jessica and we knocked down all the dust. Jessica then crawled out of the pit, and lifted open one of the gates. Three dead mice fall out onto the ground in front of me. I don't do mice. They scare me SO MUCH!!!! Dead or alive, they are gross and creepy. So, I may have screeched just a bit. Tammi, Erin, and Jessica come running to me and they all start laughing at me because I am so scared. Well, no one else wanted to come down there with me. So, I had to shovel a lot of dirt and mice. It was awful, and my heart was racing. I kept on thinking that another mouse was going to pop out and run up my leg. So, yeah yesterday I DEFINITELY did something that scared me. 

So, then later I drove to Singles Ward Family Home Evening. I am really glad that I went. It was really good. Andrew talked about being prepared. It just kind of put things into perspective. I need to stay on track. I need to keep praying, every single day. I also need to read the scriptures everyday, no matter for how long. The question was asked "What harm would it cause if I skipped one day?" Well, if you skip one day, its that much easier to skip the next day. So, yeah. I am that much more motivated with how I live.

The activity for FHE was sand volleyball at Browns Park. It was so much fun! I met a lot of new people, and I actually played, even though I am really bad. I was very self conscious, but most of the other people weren't any better than me so I felt okay. The boys were all really nice and friendly,which is good for me because I get intimidated really easy with people that are older than me. But, I had so much fun. I was laughing the whole time, everyone was just so funny. And then, after we had played fore a couple of hours, Kate and I went to go get slushies at 7 Eleven. I got Hawaiian Punch and Kate got Melon Berry. They were delicious, it has also been awhile since I had a slushie, so that might have something to do with it(: Afterwards, we went to Taco Bell and went through the drive through. We then sat in the parking lot and just talked. It was really nice to just talk with someone else in the semi-same situation. It was kind of nice to let my feelings out, and voice my fears about the future, and uncertainty about what lies in my future. So, it was nice for some girl talk.

Things to be happy about (:

  • 80's movies- I just watched The Goonies and Overboard. They are awesome ;)
  • Soft Tacos
  • Soft pillows
  • Friends- they make life more durable
  • Temples- they are so pretty to look at