So, for the past two Saturday nights, I went salsa dancing with some friends. It has been sooo much fun! The first night I went with Kate and I was terrified to go. Because Kate has been dancing for atLEAST ten years, or something like that. So, let's just say I was a leeetle bit intimidated. But then I got there, and a bunch of people didn't know what they were doing, any more than I did. And then Matt danced with me, and helped me learn how to dip! It was so much fun. I wanted to give up because I never got it right, but Matt made me keep trying. I was really glad, because he made me practice until I got it down.
I learned dancing is all about confidence. Just let go of your mind and your thinking, and just move your body like nobody is watching you. I am a very self conscious person, and so I was very aware of everyone in the room. I just love it though! I am getting better at following the guy if the guy is good, and then if the guy is not good, then I do not feel like such a dork. Just move your hips, and then you look legit(:
Side rant: So when I went dancing, I met this dude named Oliver. He is a recent convert. When I say recent, I mean like baptized 2 weeks ago. I guess he met some LDS people at work, was invited to go to church and wammo, he wanted to be baptized. I need to put myself out there, because who am I to judge who deserves to hear the gospel? A lot of times I am too chicken to bring up the church because I am scared of a negative reaction. But, who knows? Something great good happen, like a really good person getting baptized?
Things to be happy about:
- Ty is home in LESS THAN A MONTH
- I stood up for myself at work yesterday, and today Dale did not talk to me ONCE! It was wonderful
- I have a job
- I get to see my old roomates in 2 weeks!!!!
- I can feel my teeth moving, so I know my brace face is worth something!
- Plumbing. I know it sounds strange, but I think I took being able to take a shower every night for granted