Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hello everybody!
It has been a long time since I have blogged.  Once you go a little while without doing it, it is kind of hard to get motivated to get back into the swing of things.

My aunt Taunie got me motivated to get back into the swing of things.

October 18 I woke up feeling really pathetic and sick. I call my mom reallll early in the morning and   was panicking a bit. She told me to go to the health center on campus. I called and made an appointment for after my classes that day (12:30). Big mistake waiting so long. I started throwing up at 10. I somehow made it to my appt and said I was going to throw up on the nurse' shoes. That whipped her into a frenzy. The doctor tried touching my tummy but I pushed him away. So, I got poked a few times and then they finally found my veins. Normal white cell count is 9 or 10 thousand. Mine was 16 thousand... So, they drove me to the surgeon's office (Dr. Dwayne Hansen is the best surgeon in Rexburg, I fully recommend him!) He looked at me and decided we needed to have emergency surgery. I didn't have a car and I also wasn't really in any condition to drive so his son drove me to the hospital. This was about 3:30 and I was SO ready for pain medicine as well as anti-nausea medicine.... I wasn't exactly the pleasurable person at that time of day. They gave me drugs around 4:30 and I don't remember too much after that. I had surgery that night around 6 pm to remove my appendix. The overall hospital experience was not bad at all. Everyone was friendly and I was taken care of very well. 
I didn't tell very many people that I had to go to the hospital. Partly because I hate being the center of attention and it all happened so fast. But I did tell my roommate so she wouldn't worry when I didn't come home that night. 

So, I had some surprise mixed in with my grogginess when the nurse told me I had a herd of people in my room waiting to see me. Turns out they had been waiting for hours to see how I was doing. THAT is how freakin' awesome my roommates are. And, they bought me beautiful yellow flowers along with chocolate. And they drew distracting pictures on my whiteboard. (sure the nurses loved me haha)
Along with my roommates were a few friends from the ward and my home teachers. Bless them, they met me for the first time in the hospital bed all pasty white and drooling from the medicine. AND they still talk to me!
After everyone left, the night time nurse hooked me up with this gigantour tv that had netflix AND hulu plus AND xbox. It almost made up for my neighbor screaming like a banshee all.night.long.

After drinking my weight in broth and grape juice, I was stoked when Dr. Hansen took me off the clear liquid diet the next day. My aunt Taunie and cousin Linzie strolled in while I was watching Warrior with my sweetest friend ever, Tori. (She hooked me up with the good stuff: chocolate ice cream). They hung out and kept me company while my mom drove down from Spokane.  When my mom showed up she dealt with all the paperwork. So glad. ( Even though I am almost 21, I do not feel old enough to fill out hospital papers for myself.)

Before we left the hospital, Dr. Hansen told us about a large cyst they found on my ovary while they were digging around in there. He cut off a wall and drained 1.5 liters of liquid. Grossssss. The cyst shrank down after he cut it, but he sent a sample to the pathologist just in case. Good thing he did too. Something is wrong with me.

We do not know if it is cancer yet. This week I have gone through some testing, and I am doing some more tomorrow. We should know next Monday.

Like most people would be, I am scared of what the future holds for me in the next six months. Even if I don't have cancer, I still need to be treated for something. However, I know that everything will be okay in the end. In the last week I have prayed harder than probably any other time in my life. I have a great support system which includes my immediate as well as extended family and my amazing friends here in Rexburg.

things i am grateful for :]

  • my braces are off!!! 
  • my mom brought my snowboarding jacket with her. after all, I am living in Rexburrrrrrrg.
  • my roommates- they are my family for right now
  • awesome home teachers
  • excellent doctors 
  • modern medicine and technology
  • my comfy bed and pillows- i have spent some serious time on both of these
  • the girls in my Ed Psychology class 
  • my body is healing rather well from my appendectomy 
  • Hot showers. probably my favorite part of the day
  • my hair is growing out... i know it's shallow but i am so excited

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