Saturday, February 15, 2014

The China Diaries: Getting lost

So I haven't posted anything else about China because I was having issues uploading pictures. But I do not want to forget to write about tonight's experience so I will go back and write about the other things later.

Today I was able to move into my school at Zhenjiang  #1 Foreign Language Middle School. Its pretty far out there. For those who know, its comparable to where my parents live and where we go to church. I thought I was being all hardcore this afternoon, getting on a bus and not knowing when I would get off. I found my way downtown just fine, pretty proud I only spent about .30 cents in American cash. I go to find my way home after my fun in the city and... my bus stopped running an hour ago. I start to panic. I didn't know what to do but all at once I wanted nothing more then to be cuddled in my uncomfortable bed, under my pale pink comforter that my school picked out for me. So I get on the next bus that comes along, hoping it would put me at least a little closer to my school then the taxi wouldn't cost as much.

I start to panic as I am sitting on this overcrowded bus, feeling guilty that I am sitting while many are standing. But I needed to focus my eyes on the direction the bus was going. Across from me, three Chinese boys about my age keep peeking at me and I know they are talking about me, they just wont talk to me. In a spur of the moment judgment, I get off at the same stop as them, deciding I wasn't going to get any closer to my school. I ask if they speak English, and mercifully they do. They tell me I am "far far far away" from my school address and I should take a taxi. At this point I am extremely disappointed. I am disappointed that I have to waste money on a taxi, but also that my sense of direction was so poor. I was also terrified to get into a taxi by myself at night. These sweet boys flagged down a taxi for me and made sure the old man driving could take me there. They opened my door and said goodbye and good luck. The cab driver could tell I was distressed and even though we did not speak the same language, he tried to comfort me with gestures and tone of voice. He could have totally ripped me off, it was clear I was a lost, distressed foreigner who is getting used to things. But he didn't.
Now I am sitting in my apartment, safe. (Feeling a bit defeated, but I'm gonna give it another go this week.)All thanks to friendly Chinese people who did their best to help a stranger. Yet another reason I am falling in love with China.

- Making a new friend, Mary.
-PHONES. They make communication soooo much easier.
-Skyping my old roommate Taylor! So good to talk to people in the States
-The old people that dance in public squares, with blaring music from their portable speakers.
-My school has a track!
- Zhenjiang's pollution is not as severe as Bejing, so my lungs are keeping it together
-Finally got my hands on some lotion, so they wont look so cracked and nasty in a few days
-Chocolate. It makes any situation look easier.
-Found a Big Bang Theory DVD in my computer:) You have no idea how happy this one makes me...

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