Monday, October 3, 2011

New Philosophy of Life

So I stole this from my cousin, but I really like it :D
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regret. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for reason.  If you get a chance, take it.  IF it changes your life, let it!"
I think a lot of the "life is too short quotes are pretty cheesy but the rest of it I love! If you have someone toxic in your life who makes you feel not-so-good about yourself, just don't put yourself in that position! And make sure you are treating people right who care about you. You don't want to take them for granted... Remember that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON! Even the cruddy nights. They are there for a purpose. So don't stress too much. You can get over it.
Random Side Tangent~
Tonight I have been listening to all sorts of country as I did my homework. The one that was my favorite is a toss up between "dirt road anthem" by Jason Aldean. I am just feeling my roots come out . I think its because this past weekend we drove through Ashton Idaho and that is country! I just love the feel of the country.It is peaceful and tranquil and you can really think. I miss this place! I don't want to live there when I am older, but it is good to reminisce(: 

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